Max was a man who found out that he could not have children naturally and turned to donor insemination with his wonderful wife Vee. They later found out Max has cancer and I am not remembering the timing which came first but also that Vee was pregnant. They now have a beautiful son. But now that son and Vee have lost Max based on the comment.
Vee had chronicled their struggle to conceive through her blog "The Sweet Life" and later their life together addressing Max's illness and the birth of their son. The blog is now privately published. Together they published many great videos to the International Infertility Film Festival dealing with their infertility struggles which will continue to offer hope to others dealing with infertility.
Some of us get caught up in our own lives and lose touch with friends we make over the Internet. I am guilty of that here. Max was a special person and I regret letting his friendship slip away. He wrote a couple of blogs while here one of which as his persona Dynamo Dad, in the Diaries of a Hopeful Dad to Be. He sparred with some of those leaving comments, commiserated with others, and also offered advice and his take on the whole donor conception thing.
There is more which I will try to add later but I need to digest this and also begin my day. A day less bright due to his loss but also hopeful knowing that his son through Vee will always know his Dad.
Yes, unfortunately the news is true. The cancer diagnosis came before the pregnancy - they battled a few rounds of cancer treatment before continuing with infertility treatment. It all seems to have gone so fast, it almost blurs together.
There is so much and so little that can be said but, whatever we say, the world is a worse place without him.
Bea, I would like to do something, send flowers, make a donation or something.
If you know of how that might be possible please let me know.
Richard, I know that Max expressed to Vee prior to his passing that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in his memory to the Rainbows For Kate Foundation in Australia. You can donate here.
Late (as usual), but Vee's continuing to blog here (publicly) - http://troislittlebirds.blogspot.com/
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