Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tracking Sperm Donors, Pregnancies, Births

In today's Detroit Free Press (5/23/06) an opinion piece is being run that was written by one of the founders of SpermCenter.com. The gentlemen admits that while he is not a fan of increased regulation he believes that incraesed regulation and tracking of sperm donors and the results of their donations (pregnancies, live births etc) should be 100% reported and tracked. The piece is well written and worth checking out via the link to the Annex via this post's title.

SpermCenter.com is a site that at this point of being a DI Dad I did not expect to start checking out. It is essentially an all in one stop to be able to search multiple sperm banks at once and for a small fee it is probably a good investment timewise to take some of the craziness out of any potential donor search. I am not sure yet how many banks they work with. I recall briefly checking out the site some time ago based on the desire to create a database and customer reviews of the sperm banks after the issue came up repeatedly on the DSR_Discussion Yahoo Group.

I have mentioned that part of my daily ritual is to check out the Donor Sibling Registry to see if my children have another half sibling out there. The potential that there could be dozens is crazy to me and if I had that info before choosing a donor it might have influenced our decision in some manner.

Note: This is Post 1999 based on Blogger's count which is unbelievable to me. - Eric


ColourYourWorld said...

Well done on the 1999 !
You are doing a great job.

Looking forward to 2000 and beyond.

DI_Dad said...

Thanks. Oops meant 199 posts heading into 200.

If this had been 1,999 posts I think I'd even be "posted" out by this issue. Someday maybe.

Regards, Eric